Tis the season to grow tomatoes fa la la la la

This year our Christmas dining room window decorations are all the baby tomatoes! Every window is filled with different varieties.  We don’t have lots of shelves with special lights for a plant nursery, so our dining room has become the nursery!  Which is great!  I will forgo all the decorations in exchange for mismatched cups and pots to have great organic food growing.  These little ones are doing great in the windows.  It seems I’m learning to grow like I cook, improvising.  What can I do with what I have?  I LOVE THIS!   My creativity is growing too!  My Christmas wish, to be able to turn my entire back yard into a farm!

Merry Christmas!

About The Dirt Diva

I live in the Mojave Desert and am about to embark on a journey to become a backyard farmer. I'm a foodie who loves the farmers market, I get all excited just going.. I will learn by education, the wisdom & guidance of those who have gone before me, research, trial & error and lots of prayer. But most of all maybe for the first time in my life I'm seeking to make a dream a reality out of my love and passion for all things natural! xoxox

Posted on December 21, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. I love it! My Las Vegas windows were also filled with baby veggies for the holidays!

  2. I love it! My Las Vegas windows were filled with baby veggies for the holidays, too. They’ve since moved out to the greenhouse and the overwintering ferns have taken their place.

    Always great to find fellow desert vegetable gardeners!

    • Hi Hilery…thanks for posting! I went to your website…added your link to my page. I’m so glad to find another resource of great information. Spring & Fall 2011 was my first time growing. I learned about pruning tomatoes from a video posted on your site. Thank you so much, susan

      • Aw, thanks! That pruning video is a bit harsh for outdoor tomatoes here, I’ve found it’s good to leave some leaves on to help shade the tomatoes and help keep them from getting sunscald. (Mushy tomatoes, bleah.) What was your best crop for your first growing season? I’m always on the lookout for things that do well outside here!

  3. Hi Hilery,

    What did best? Cherry Tomatoes, not Roma’s. Mesculin Lettuce, not Romaine. Zucchini, did better than yellow squash. Basil, Thai Basil & Thyme did great. Beets have done fairly well. They did much better in the spring plant than the fall plant. Eggplant did really well. Carrots, trying a 2nd time..1st time was a flop. Corn…hahahaha..I should have known, after all I was warned…also pulled out pumpkin vines and melon vines, got a huge attack from squash bugs there. And because its an Organic garden, the squash bugs won. Do you know anything for that other than putting down a piece of wood?

    Also I bought shade cloth for this spring, specifically to help w/ lettuces & spinach…

    This spring, I’m going to do what Gilcrease Farm does with their tomatoes, let them flop over each other rather than cage them up. And thanks to your advice, I will only prune a little because we definetly need the shade. And the birds are good at getting the cherry’s on the cage. However, I do expect to share a bit! :0)

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